Watching D-Wade pull his best flopping Bunny man moment from Donnie Darko really inspired me to post the gif on the left and pretend I'm interested at all in this post-Bobcats' universe.
As a Bobcats fan, who do you root for in a scenario such as this -- the large-market Dallas team, fronting a feisty owner, a large German man with protruding forehead, and NBA Jam: TE's own Jason Kidd or the WWE's own Miami Heat. The Heat, at least, are shown to have acting talents as expressed to the left of this page. But do their C-level talents muster enough flavor to bring out the savoriness I expect in a finals team?
I don't know.

I do know that Dallas' color scheme is far less matchy-match than the Heat's obnoxious orange-yellow/red palette. Then again, orange is the color of our favorite team flavor -- so I am conflicted.
Who do I turn to? Do I turn to the umame, the savory sweet that the Dallas brings with their rugged, aged core? Or do I go with the kitsch, the cheese -- the so-called Glitzentruppe -- of the Hollywood Heat?
As a Bobcat, this discussion becomes my solace knowing full well that our front office will likely draft future overpaid NBA journeyman and DeSagana Diop clone Bismack Biyombo.